
Best wishes!
By our columnist Judith De Vor As the holidays are upon us again and we head toward the end of the year, this is a great time to look back on the year. What happened, what was special? First, of course, the fact that I got to start a column for women in agriculture […]
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For the love of the land – and food
By Judith De Vor As a farmer, like so many of us, I juggle a lot of things every day. Taking care of my animals, milking the cows and working the land. Of course I do many other things; I have work on the computer and receive many visitors on the farm. But every day […]
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Finding connection and combating loneliness on the farm
According to the 2021 Canadian Social Survey on Loneliness in Canada, of the one in 10 Canadians who reported frequent loneliness, 49% also reported poorer mental health and lower levels of overall life satisfaction. This survey highlights the widespread issue of loneliness among the general Canadian population. Meanwhile, farming is often seen as a solitary […]
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COLUMN: Politics, agriculture and the women of it all
by Judith De Vor A column about politics, isn’t that boring? Well, maybe… but it is also important. This year is particularly significant because it’s an election year: elections are happening in India, Europe, and the United States. Recently, the elections for a new European Parliament took place, where voters can choose political parties in […]
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Grief is a wave and a freight train
Erica Leniczek on how to deal with grief “It doesn’t matter what you do, eventually you lose everyone in your life or they lose you.” The reality of that quote is that it’s true. Either everyone loses us or we lose everyone. We are set up with neurological processes to handle loss and grief […]
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Unravelling unconscious bias: It starts with us
by Melanie Epp When I was a kid, I loved riddles. I remember one that really stumped me. It went something like this: A father and son get into a serious automobile accident. The father dies on the way to the hospital. The boy requires surgery. In the operating room, the surgeon said, “I […]
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Is it difficult to be a female CEO in agriculture in Australia?
By Melinda Hashimoto, CEO, Egg Farmers of Australia For this article I was asked the question, is it difficult to be a female CEO in Australian Agriculture? The answer incorporates a number of elements. CEO is a generic term but there can be a vast difference in the roles of a CEO from one […]
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Tools to deal with (seasonal) loneliness
A column on mental health by Erica Leniczek First off, cheers to a New Year to everyone! Holidays are often a time where people gather with loved ones, celebrate, give, and eat lots of yummy foods. For some, however, the holiday season can be missing loved ones, lonely, and filled with financial stress, and […]
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Teaching an old dog new tricks
by Melanie Epp I grew up in a household where my parents frequently categorised tasks as ‘men’s work’ and ‘women’s work.’ In a family of five kids and two dogs, dividing work in a way that caused the least amount of fuss was understandable – necessary, even. For most of my childhood, I never even […]
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Happy first birthday, Women in Ag Magazine!
on International Women’s Day March 8, International Women’s Day. But also the day the first issue of Women in Ag Magazine was published, exactly one year ago. A symbolic date to launch a magazine for and about women in an industry where gender inequality is still a major stumbling block. While we have published beautiful […]
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