Italian Diana Lenzi is the first female President of CEJA

Half of newly elected board are women!

Delegates of CEJA met last Monday during the General Assembly which took place online. During this General Assembly, the budget 2021-2022 was approved and a new board was elected for the period 2021-2023. Both the President and two of the Vice Presidents are women! 

The new president of CEJA is Diana Lenzi from Italy. Diana is the first female President of the European Young Farmers organisation. The four Vice-Presidents are Thomas Duffy from Ireland, Anne-Catherine Dalcq from Belgium, Adam Nowak from Poland and Doris Letina from Slovenia. Diana Lenzi, the new President, expressed her pleasure at representing the community of young European farmers and shared her ambitions for the future: “I am incredibly happy and proud to take on such a great responsibility to lead CEJA from today. We are on the eve of a season full of great challenges, and CEJA will be ready and respond quickly and work together to build a stronger future for Europe’s young farmers”.

Former CEJA President Samuel Masse reacted to the election results: “My congratulations to the newly elected Board members. I am convinced that this new Presidency will successfully make the voice of young farmers heard in the EU arena and beyond. The coming years will be very busy and exciting, with the CAP reform to be implemented and important decisions to be taken on rural development, sustainability and generational change.” Looking back on his time at CEJA, Samuel Masse stated that he was “proud and honoured to be part of CEJA”. He also added that “I am pleased that the CEJA Board for 2019-2021 has lived up to the high ambitions it set at the beginning of its mandate”, while thanking the CEJA Board and Secretariat for their commitment and dedication to the cause of young farmers.


Source & picture: CEJA

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