Best wishes!

By our columnist Judith De Vor


As the holidays are upon us again and we head toward the end of the year, this is a great time to look back on the year. What happened, what was special? First, of course, the fact that I got to start a column for women in agriculture in this magazine.  As a woman in agriculture myself I get a lot of inspiration from other women. What they do, the amazing contributions they make. Not just to food production but so many more aspects of agriculture. Women have my special attention. It is so wonderful to see all the different women who come forward to tell their story in this magazine. I hope that it gives you an insight into the lives of women from all over the world, like it did for me.

One of the highlights of this passed year to me was the organisation of the event for women in food on International Women’s Day. It was nice to have so many ladies from food and agri get to know each other, attend workshops and, most importantly, see what connects us. It is so easy to focus on what separates us but there’s enough of that going around. Finding what you have in common is so much more valuable. And let’s talk about the Women in Ag Awards! As a member of the jury, I was moved to see how many women entered the Awards. You don’t have to be modest, but be proud of what you do and of the impact your work has. That’s what we saw with the awards: unbridled female leadership at its very best.  Choosing the winners among all these amazing profiles was extremely hard for me. It makes me so proud to see who participated. Farmers, women in agribusiness, women in research and education. From all walks of life, different experiences and backgrounds. Young and old, experienced and new to agriculture. I am certain that there are many more women who deserve an award. That’s why I truly hope to see even more of them be proud of what they do and enter the Awards!

Another special moment for me was speaking as a farmer at the International Borlaug Dialogue of the World Food Prize in Iowa (USA) last October. The audience usually consists mostly of scientists, policy makers and people from various organizations. Several days are spent discussing food production. I was very grateful to be invited to tell my story as a food producer. I have been on stage several times this year, but speaking there was very special: to get to share my personal experiences as a dairy farmer in front of a packed auditorium was exhilirating.  Even more thrilling to me were the meetings with younths – most of them girls – from 14 to 17 years old from all over the world.

If I like to reflect by the end of the year, I also like to take the time to think about the year to come. What is going to happen in terms of legislative regulations that affect us? There has been a lot of talk lately about shrinking cattle herds to solve problems in the Netherlands. What does this mean? Not only for ourselves, but also for agriculture in general? Should we wait for clarifications? Can we even make plans for our farm in these uncertain times? I sincerely hope things will calm down and us farmers will have the chance to focus on what we can actually change and what gives us energy to go on.  On a personal level, I’m continuing to build my farm store and terrace since that is taking longer than expected. I’m also trying to be a little more present online. It’s not a strong suit of mine, so I’m convinced I can get a lot more out of it. My hope is to be able to show the important contribution agriculture has to make. Not just as food producers, but also for the benefit of nature, landscape, recreation and so much more. I hope to continue hanging out and working with farmers from around the world to share our beautiful story.

Who knows what else will come my way. I am also very aware of the fact that my family, farm and loved ones did not come upon hard times this year. For that I am truly thankful. We are safe, healthy, have food to fill our bellies and a roof over our heads. All things that seem obvious to some of us but are far from it for many more. We can make plans, think about next year and even dream of a holiday.  We have the privilege of being able to relax, celebrate Christmas with our loved ones and take time to catch up with friends. I’m planning to get off the farm, read a good book and enjoy holidays without any meetings. My sincere wish if for you all, wherever you are in the world, can know these privileges. Celebrating the holidays with the ones you love. Looking back and looking forward. Ready for 2025, whatever it may bring. I’m wishing you all a beautiful end of the year!

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Photo credits: Friesland Campina

This article was published in Women in Ag Mag 2024-004. Click here to read the magazine

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