Women in Ag Magazine 2023-004

Another year came and went…

The fourth issue of Women in Ag Mag has been published, bringing the magazine’s third year to a close. Over the passed few years, we have been working hard on our content. Now it is time to level up. Our newsletter is part of that, you should see more of us on social media as well and we will certainly be more present at agricultural tradeshows in the future.

This festive edition of Women in Ag Mag brings you more inspiring stories from different parts of the world. In our “Encounters”, we talk to dairy farmer Kate Hoare (UK), who won the Women in Ag Awards in the “Farmer” category at Agritechnica. Iris, who has no background in agriculture, grows saffron in Belgium; and our third encounter, Melissa, is a beef farmer and daughter of a matriarchy in the UK. We also talked to one of the winners of the Agri-Influencer Award at Agritechnica, traveled to Austria where Kornelia Zipper tries to bridge the gap between consumers and farmers with “Afterwork on the Farm” and had a heart to heart with Priscila, who is fighting for a fair price for cocoa farmers and equality for women in agriculture in Equatorial Guinea.

As always, Erica Leniczek offers advice on mental health and Melanie Epp reflects on the powerful women she met in 2023. Furthermore, we look back at the “Ladies Day” at Agribex in Brussels (BE) and look ahead to Fira in Toulouse (FR).

Would you like to support Women in Ag Magazine, personally or with your company? Our “100 for WiA” campaign is still running. We could really use your help to further develop our beautiful project and further build this community for women in agriculture around the world.

In light of what is happening in the world today, I wish you warm and safe holidays and express my sincere hope for a world where warmth, safety, full bellies, clean water, decent medical care and human rights are not just for the privileged few. Let’s appreciate what we have even more this year and show kindness and compassion to those who are not so lucky. More than ever, the world needs kindness and compassion.

From the safety of my home to – I hope – yours,

Happy reading,



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“I think the best thing a manager can be, is to be there for their team.”

Laura Overall, Senior Vice President Communications CNH , Basildon (UK).   Last summer, we were invited to Basildon (UK) for a visit to the New Holland plant and to see the new CR10 and CR11 combines at work. However, while that was the main reason for our colleagues’ visit, we were there to meet Laura […]

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